It's been an age since I last wrote, and rather than gloss over the glaringly obvious I thought I'd give a little insight into why.
The last two months have been eventful, the last month or so especially. Towards the end of April I, randomly and very unexpectedly, met someone. I nice chap, let's call him T (round of applause if you can guess his name, you do have a clue there). Now, previous to bumping into my friend, and therefore T, that evening I had been planning to return to Asia and teaching English to wee kiddies. I'm not saying that is not still an option for me, and that I don't still miss my Seoul life and friends dearly, but it is on the back-burner for now (what do they say in American shows, "let's put a pin in it").
So, T came along and we had an epic first date a week or so after we met. I say epic as it lasted 7 hours. For someone, such as myself, who rarely dates I think that is a pretty substantial length of time to spend with someone you've just me. What did we do? We drank coffee, walked, had a beer/cider, ate pub grub, walked some more, had another hot drink, walked and realised the time. I'm not going to go down the soppy route and say "it was love at first sight" and all that fairy tale jazz, but I will say that I don't often meet a boy that I am attracted to and want to spend that much time with.
What happened next? We waited two days and had another date. Then a few days later, we had another. It's been going on for just over two months now. We're still getting to know each other and, for me, this is pretty momentous stuff. In fact, you could say it is the longest I have ever dated anyone, and you would be correct. There have been flames and there have been mistakes, but this seems worth giving a little time to. So, I decided that I will stick around Cambridge a while longer and see where the White Rabbit takes me as we wander down the rabbit hole.
The last few months have also seen some emotional times. My grandad, who had been unwell for quite some time, suddenly took a turn for the worse. So I took two trips to the Netherlands to visit my family. The first time I went to say goodbye to my grandad face to face, the second it was to say goodbye to him with my family. It was and is terribly sad, but he was ready to go and it was better for him to leave as he is now at peace. I'll always love my grandad.
There was also a hen party... Now I know that being British will, no matter how much you may resist, lead you to envisage a drunken affair with "L" plates, dodgy accessories, slimy naked men and all sorts of absurdities, and kudos to you if that is what you may yourself want to do to say goodbye to single life, but I am afraid I must disappoint you. However, do not let that make you think that it wasn't a marvellous event! It was quite possibly the best, most well planned and thought through, quirkiest and most vintage themed fantastic day possible! I will most definitely have to take the time to post some photos for you to see, at which point I will tell you a few more details about it. For now, I will tease you with a photograph of myself to give you a taste of the mood of the event (note the teacup...).
Other happenings over the last two months include, in no particular order and apologies if I am repeating myself: seeing Noah and the Whale live in London, visiting the Harry Potter studio tour (now I know I owe you photos of that day), hanging out with my darling cousin, doing a crazy 24 mile bike ride to Ely and back, going to the cinema about 3 times, finishing season 3 of Game of Thrones, meeting my dad in London for a tasty lunch, watching Eurovision, drinking with my little sister, a trip to Wales and spending a weekend camping, dancing, singing, eating and running around the countryside (whilst twirling around like Maria as we ran down a hill). It has been eventful to say the least.
Currently, I am packing up my room as I have to leave my beautiful riverside abode, sigh, and move to a new room/house. Unfortunately my landlord wants to sell his house, how rude, and so I will be moving into a new place. It was a slightly rushed house hunt and my options were not what they could have been. Hopefully it will all work out okay in the end. Luckily for me, my father and stepmother are visiting this weekend. They have a big car... It will, of course, be fantastic to see them in Cambridge again and I am looking forward to a nice weekend together doing nothing of much importance but having fun at the same time.
Right, that sees me stopping for now. I have missed writing here, I think it is soothing for the soul to explore things by writing them down. How are you all? Can you forgive me for my long absence or will you shun me like a naughty child being given a time out? I hope that it's the former, but if it is the latter then I hope to slowly win you over once more.
Bis bald my lovelies.